#makeyourownbaby – round 2

#lifelesson – never put a count into your blog title, because if you start with “round 1” God thinks it’s funny to add sequential rounds.

So, no.  We are not pregnant. Our little embryo probably never attached. But we’ve got two more just waiting for us at the embryologist.


This next week will be starting a medicated cycle in hopes of a frozen embryo transfer or FET in late May. I think it’s fair to say that we are still hopeful at this point. At the same time, all of the unknowns make my heart ache for answers.

A couple weeks ago, I preached about fear.  Fear of the concrete and the unknown. And if I was going to be completely honest in how I am feeling about our next transfer it would be that I’m afraid.

I’m afraid that our embryos will die in the thawing process.  I’m afraid that our next transfer won’t be successful. I’m afraid that we’ll get pregnant and miscarry. I’m afraid this is just another step on the path pain and anger that will only lead back to anguish.

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW).  This year’s theme is “Flip the Script.”

#FlipTheScript—RESOLVE wants to change the conversation around infertility so the public, media, insurers, healthcare professionals and lawmakers understand:

  • The scope of the problem and who is struggling to build a family. (hint: it’s not just “older women” who “waited too long” to start a family)
  • There are many barriers for millions of people who struggle to build a family. These barriers include lack of insurance coverage, out-of-pocket costs, faith and religion, sexual orientation, and state and federal laws.
  • The impact of infertility is far reaching—it impacts family, friends, co-workers, and employers.

Chances are you know someone who struggles with fertility.  But not everyone wants to talk about.  One of the reasons we decided to share our story is because we wanted other people to feel like they weren’t the only ones going through infertility.  It’s such a lonely journey that it’s just silly to think that you need to do it all alone. I have found community in online forums that have been really helpful processing my thoughts and feelings with other women who are going through the exact same things.

J and I have met so many other couples who are dealing [or have dealt] with the same decisions we are making. These relationships have made it so much easier not to wallow in the sadness. You know who you are and we thank you for listening and sharing with us.


A & J

2 thoughts on “#makeyourownbaby – round 2

  1. Tara

    Thanks for continuing to share your story. It takes courage. And did you know that the words “Do not be afraid” appear 365 times in Scripture? One for every day of the year! I don’t think that is a coincidence! 🙂


  2. JoAnne M Sabelko

    I’m so glad you have a community to help you through this process. I wish there were some when we were going through it. We were finally blessed with 2 healthy boys. You WILL get there:)



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